To adjust the play, thread
the brake lever adjuster in or
out 1/4 to 1/2 turn until the
desired brake adjustment is
attained. Most adjustments are
complete at this step. If brake
still needs further adjustment,
If the brake lever adjuster is
threaded outward and the brake
still has too much slack, use the
back brake adjuster at the rear
brake for additional adjustment.
causing the electric motorbike
to skid the tire throwing an
unsuspecting rider. Practice
in an open area free from
obstacles until you are familiar
with the brake function. Avoid
cause you to lose control or
Check the Razor web site for any updates on the latest
Turn power switch off before conducting any maintenance procedures.
res are infl ated when shipped, but they invariably lose some pressure between the point of
manufacturing and your purchase.
supplies found at gasoline
stations are designed to infl ate
high-volume automobile tires.
air supply to infl ate your tires,
fi rst make sure the pressure
gauge is working, then use very
short bursts to infl ate to the
correct PSI. If you inadvertently
over-infl ate the tire, release the
excess pressure immediately.
adapter from right handgrip.
To use the brake, squeeze the lever to increase the pressure on the brake. The brake lever is fi tted
with a cable adjuster to compensate for cable stretch and/or to fi ne-tune the lever movement to brake
t. If brake is not engaging properly, follow instructions for adjusting the brake outlined below.
To infl ate the rear tire align
the access hole in the drive
sprocket with the tire valve.
Thread the adapter completely
onto the valve and attach the
pump and infl ate to the psi
indicated on the tire sidewall.
Using a bicycle-style tire
pump equipped for a Schrader-
type valve, infl ate the front
tire to the PSI indicated on the
Do not use the Pocket Rocket
for the fi rst time until you
have infl ated the tires to the
correct PSI. Failure to do so may
damage your vehicle and void