
Voicemail – Allows you to select your carrier’s voicemail service.
Fixed dialing numbers – Allows you to manage and compile a list of numbers that can
be called from your phone. You need your PIN2, which is available from your operator. If
activated, only numbers in the fixed dial list can be called from your phone.
Caller ID – Allows you to choose how to display your number in outgoing calls.
Incoming voice call pop-up – Displays a pop-up for an incoming call when an app is in use.
Call reject – Allows you to set the call decline function.
Decline with message – When you want to decline a call, you can send a quick message
using this function. This is useful if you need to decline a call during a meeting.
Auto answer – Sets the time before a connected hands-free device automatically answers
an incoming call.
Connection vibration – Vibrates your phone when the other party answers the call.
TTY mode – Allows you to activate TTY mode.
Hearing aids – Allows you to turn on hearing aid compatibility.
Noise suppression – Suppresses background noise on your device during a call.
Voice clarity – Enhances voice quality in noisy environments so you can hear more clearly.
Power key ends call – Allows you to use the Power key to end calls.
Call duration – Allows you to view the call duration for various types of calls.
Sound settings – Allows you to control the sounds on the phone.
Additional settings – Allows you to change the following settings.
Share & connect
NFC – Your phone is an NFC-enabled cell mobile phone. NFC (Near Field Communication) is
a wireless connectivity technology that enables two-way communication between electronic
devices. It operates over a distance of a few centimeters. You can share your content with