6. Communication Function
6.1 Programming method
In Fnet communication module, programming methods are divided into three :
– High speed link
High speed link is used when other station’s data or information is exchanged in each given
time and cyclically. Self or other station’s data being in changing can be effectively used for
operating system through cyclically referring, and the communication can be performed only
through setting parameters.
For how to set, specify other station area and self area to be sent/received in parameter of
KGLWIN, specify data size, speed, and station number, and then perform communication.
For data size, 1(16 points)~12,800 words for Mnet, and 1~3,840 words for Fnet can be
communicated, and for communication cycle, 20ms~10sec. can be set according to
communicating contents. Because simple parameter setting enables communication with
other station, it is easy to use, and internal data processing is also high speed, thus many data
can be cyclically processed at a time.
– Programming
High speed link is a cyclic communication, but the communication through function block is a
service that communicates when special event occurs to perform communication with other
station. It can be used when other station has error, which is sent to another station, or special
contact is entered to communicate. For how to prepare programming, using function block
according to data type previously created in KGLWIN program mode, specify the enable
conditions, the module position in which communication module is mounted, station number,
data area of self station, and other station area, and then prepare it.
Simultaneous use of high speed link and programming
For some data, high speed link and program can be simultaneously used for program when
the appropriate contents is sent if Tx/Rx of data are cyclically performed, and special event
Table 6.1 Difference between
high speed link
operation and operation through
function block
High speed link Function block
Basic unit of Tx/Rx
1 word(16 points)
Available according to data type
Ex.) Bit, Byte, Word…
Communication cycle 20ms~10sec.
Used whenever
function block
enable condit-
ion is started up.
Specifying station
Used by setting station number of the
front of communication module in
Fnet uses the station number of the front of
communication module, and Mnet uses MAC
How to operate
Parameter setting
downloading to
high speed link
downloading to PLC
Control through CPU
operation mode key
Used if
high speed link
is allowed even in
state that CPU module is RUN, STOP,
and PAUSE.
Performs operation according to operation
mode of CPU module.