
device current configuration to the utility system and enable auto refresh function.
Port Specific Control: each port specific function control and relate parameters
Parametric Information: port parameters information display.
System Setup & Control
Master Enable: Enable/Disable the control of GUI. You must enable this item to do
the port controlling.
Calibrate System: when the system can’t do the port controlling, please remove the
PD device and enable this function to calibrate internal system.
PD Discovery R (ohms): set the PD resistor value range for the system detecting.
The default value range is 19000~26500. You can adjust the upper and lower limit
value when the system can’t detect the PD resistor in the default range. Please refer
to the “Discover R (ohms)” value in Parametric Information section to adjust the
upper and lower limit value. After you have adjusted the upper or lower limit value,
please unplug and then plug in the PD device.
Figure 4-2. System Setup & Control interface