
SmartUSB Utility screen. Or select Exit SmartUSB Utility to end the program.
Q: Why does the SmartUSB Utility continue to run when I press the close button?
A: Please click System Setting in the utility screen, and check the option “Hide to small icon
in taskbar when closing window”. When you enable this option, the utility will hide the
small icon in the taskbar when you close window. If you disable this option, the utility will
end when you press the close button.
p ResetRecoveryUpgrade Utility
Q: When do I perform Reset configuration program?
A: If you want to reset SmartUSB for any reason, you can perform this program to reset the
configuration back to the default setting. After the program has finished, the system will
show the “Mobile USB Storage setting” page and ask you to set the path.
Q: When do I perform Recover original SmartUSB Utility program?
A: If the utility upgrade failed or you accidentally deleted the system files in the AUTOSYS
drive, causing the utility to work abnormal, you can run this program to recover the utility
back to the default setting. The program will format the AUTOSYS drive. So if you have
data saved in AUTOSYS drive, please backup your data to another location to ensure no
loss of data. If recovery is successful, you can run the utility and reset the path in the
“Mobile USB Storage setting” page.
Q: When do I perform Restore Registry Key program?
A: If errors occur when you run any function of Mobile Office, you must perform the Restore
Registry Key program to recover some registry key values from the errors.