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Listed below are the approved matched system
components (air handlers and indoor coils), targeted
subcooling and add charge values for the XP14. This
information is also listed on the unit charging sticker
located on the outdoor unit access panel.
Subcooling values listed in the following tables are based
on outdoor ambient air temperature of:
S 60°F (15.5°C) and above for cooling mode
S 59°F (15.0°C) and below for heating mode.
Table 3. HFC−410A Temperature (°F) − Pressure (Psig)
°F °C Psig °F °C Psig
−40 −40.0 11.6 60 15.6 170
−35 −37.2 14.9 65 18.3 185
−30 −34.4 18.5 70 21.1 201
−25 −31.7 22.5 75 23.9 217
−20 −28.9 26.9 80 26.7 235
−15 −26.1 31.7 85 29.4 254
−10 −23.3 36.8 90 32.2 274
−5 −20.6 42.5 95 35.0 295
0 −17.8 48.6 100 37.8 317
5 −15.0 55.2 105 40.6 340
10 −12.2 62.3 110 43.3 365
15 −9.4 70.0 115 46.1 391
20 −6.7 78.3 120 48.9 418
25 −3.9 87.3
125 51.7 446
30 −1.1 96.8 130 54.4 476
35 1.7 107 135 57.2 507
40 4.4 118 140 60.0 539
45 7.2 130
145 62.8 573
50 10.0 142
150 65.6 608
55 12.8 155
Table 4. Normal Operating Pressures − Liquid +10 and Vapor +5 PSIG
Use table 4 as a general guide when performing maintenance checks. This is not a procedure for charging the unit (Refer
to Charging / Checking Charge section). Minor variations in these pressures may be expected due to differences in instal-
lations. Significant differences could mean that the system is not properly charged or that a problem exists with some
component in the system.
Vapor Pressure
Heating Cooling
ºF (ºC)* 20 30 40 50 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
−018 67 83 100 118 137 145 145 146 147 148 149 151 151 153 154 155
−024 58 72 88 105 123 139 140 142 143 144 145 145 146 147 147 148
−030 55 69 84 102 122 135 136 138 140 141 143 144 145 147 148 149
−036 62 76 91 106 124 135 137 139 141 143 145 146 148 150 151 153
−042 58 73 89 108 130 127 129 131 132 134 136 137 139 140 141 142
−048 60 75 90 105 121 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 146 147
−060 56 70 84 99 114 132 133 134 135 137 138 139 141 142 143 144
Liquid Pressure
ºF (ºC)* 20 30 40 50 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
−018 272 287 305 321 339 242 259 279 302 326 351 376 406 433 462 498
−024 281 295 309 324 340 243 262 281 302 325 348 373 399 426 454 483
−030 274 286 299 313 327 250 268 288 308 330 352 376 400 426 452 480
−036 287 304 322 342 365 230 248 268 288 311 334 359 385 412 441 471
−042 293 335 368 394 411 215 234 254 275 298 321 346 371 398 426 455
−048 282 299 316 334 353 219 237 256 277 298 321 344 369 395 422 450
−060 266 285 309 337 369 222 241 262 283 306 330 354 380 406 434 463
*Temperature of the air entering the outside coil.