shall be in writing and set forth the ndings of fact and the conclusions of law. All arbitration proceedings,
including all documents presented in such proceedings shall be conducted in the English language. The
English language version of this warranty prevails over any other language version in such proceedings.
European Economic Area (EEA)
The following is added to Part 1:
Customers in the EEA may contact Lenovo at the following address: EMEA Service Organisation, Lenovo
(International) B.V., Floor 2, Einsteinova 21, 851 01, Bratislava, Slovakia. Service under this warranty for
Lenovo hardware products purchased in EEA countries may be obtained in any EEA country in which the
product has been announced and made available by Lenovo.
The following is added to Part 1:
Product Service Life
The product service life is four (4) years from the original date of purchase.
Part 3 - Warranty Service Information
Product Type Country or Region of Purchase Warranty Period Type of Warranty Service
ThinkPad USB Keyboard
with TrackPoint
Worldwide 3 years 1, 4
If required, your Service Provider will provide repair or exchange service depending on the type of warranty
service specied for your product and the available service. Scheduling of service will depend upon the time
of your call, parts availability, and other factors.
Types of Warranty Service
1. Customer Replaceable Unit (“CRU”) Service
Under CRU Service, the Service Provider will ship CRUs to you at its cost for installation by you. CRU
information and replacement instructions are shipped with your product and are available from Lenovo at any
time upon request. CRUs that are easily installed by you are called “Self-service CRUs”. “Optional-service
CRUs” are CRUs that may require some technical skill and tools. Installation of Self-service CRUs is your
responsibility. You may request that a Service Provider install Optional-service CRUs under one of the other
types of warranty service designated for your product. An optional service offering may be available for
purchase from a Service Provider or Lenovo under which Self-service CRUs would be installed for you.
You may nd a list of CRUs and their designation in the publication that was shipped with your product
or at www.lenovo.com/CRUs. The requirement to return a defective CRU, if any, will be specied in the
instructions shipped with a replacement CRU. When return is required: 1) return instructions, a prepaid
return shipping label, and a container will be included with the replacement CRU; and 2) you may be charged
for the replacement CRU if the Service Provider does not receive the defective CRU from you within thirty
(30) days of your receipt of the replacement CRU.
2. On-site Service
Under On-Site Service, a Service Provider will either repair or exchange the product at your location. You
must provide a suitable working area to allow disassembly and reassembly of the product. Some repairs
32 ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPointUser Guide