To create another A – B distance of track to repeat, press button again and then again. a
new created A – B distance of track is repeating.
To cancel the repeat A – B function, press the M button. Or press button to pause.
Set Replay Times:
In voice playing mode, press M button, a Music Sub-menu appear, the choose “Replay times”,
then choose “1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10” as you desired by using / and M
buttons. The Player will replay those music file as your selected number of times accordingly.
Replay Gap:
In voice playing mode, press M button, a Music Sub-menu appear, the choose “Replay Gap”,
then choose “1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7/ 8 /9 / 10 second(s)” as you desired by using / and
M buttons. The replay gap time in between music to music or in repeat A- B will replay and
stop according the selected number of time.
c. Exit
Select Exit to back to music now playing screen.
Note: Press and hold the M button will go back to Main Menu directly.
16. Use Photo Browse
You can use the player as picture / photo viewer:
To browse picture / photo file, from main menu choose “Photo” by using / and M
button, a list menu appear to use.
Choose a file by using / button, and then press button to play.
Press button to stop and to go back to list menu for other files selection.
To change previous / next photo, press / button.
Press and hold M button to back to main menu.
17. Use Photo Submenu in List Screen
You might need to change some setting for photo browse. To change setting:
a. Local Folder
In list menu, press M button to call up the photo submenu.
In photo submenu, choose “Local folder” a list menu appear, and then choose folder and file to
browse by using / and M button.
Once photo file is selected, press button to play.
b. Playback Set
In photo submenu, choose “Playback set” and then choose “Manual play”. However, you need