10: Security Settings
PremierWave XC User Guide 69
Certificate Upload Settings
SSL certificates identify the PremierWave XC to peers, and can be used with some methods of
wireless authentication. Certificate and key pairs can be uploaded to the PremierWave through
either the CLI or XML import mechanisms. Certificates can be identified on the PremierWave by a
name provided at upload time.
Table 10-2 Upload Certificate Settings
Upload Certificate
New Certificate
SSL certificate to be uploaded.
RSA or DSA certificates are allowed.
The format of the certificate must be PEM. It must start with “-----BEGIN
“ and end with “-----END CERTIFICATE-----“. Some
Certificate Authorities add comments before and/or after these lines. Those need to be
deleted before upload.
New Private Key
The key needs to belong to the certificate entered above.
The format of the file must be PEM. It must start with “
” and end with “-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----”.
Read DSA instead of RSA in case of a DSA key. Some Certificate Authorities add
comments before and/or after these lines. Those need to be deleted before upload.
To Configure an Existing SSL Credential
Using Web Manager
To configure an existing SSL Credential, click SSL in the menu bar and select Credentials.
Using the CLI
To enter the SSL command level: enable -> ssl
To enter the Credential command level: enable -> ssl -> credentials
Using XML
Include in your file:
<configgroup name=”ssl”>
and <configitem name=”credentials” instance=”name”>
and <value name="RSA certificate"/> or <value name="DSA