
*OPTIONAL Contact Heart Rate Assembly
Skip to Step 11 if treadmill has standard crossbar
Assembly Instructions
• Feed the contact heart rate
harness through the access hole
in the inside of the left upright
(insert strain relief provided).
Feed harness up into the
control panel.
• Pull back the membrane and
connect harness to white 3-pin
connector on side of display
• Unscrew the unused screw on
the top of the upright where the
contact harness enters the
control panel.
• Feed the screw through the
green grounding wire eyelet and
rescrew it back into place.
• Put the membrane back into
• Carefully align the upright cover
to upright. Working from top to
bottom, snap the upright cover
into place.
• Check the tension on the drive
belt by placing the drive belt
between your thumb and
forefinger and twisting.
• The proper twist is 45˚. If the
belt needs to be adjusted use a
7/16” socket and turn the bolt
underneath the motor pan
attached to the motor’s
hook screw.
Connect contact bar
STEP 10:
Ground contact bar
STEP 11:
Snap upright cover
STEP 13:
Check drive belt tension
• Press the plastic end cap into
the upright carefully fitting the
plastic pins into the small bosses
in the aluminum.
• Align the upright cover beneath
the end cap and install the
Phillips head screw.
• Tighten the Phillips head
screw until side cover aligns
with endcap
(Do not over-tighten).
STEP 12:
Install upright end cap
• Route the wire harness
underneath the elevation motor
and secure with harness restraint
clip provided. Plug connector
into circuit board until it snaps
into place.
• Route the wire harness behind
the elevation motor and secure
with harness restraint clip
provided. Plug connector
into circuit board until it snaps
into place.
STEP 14:
Route the wire harness
• The treadbelt is tracked and
tensioned via the take-up
screws located at the back of the
• Check the tension of the
treadbelt. At proper tension you
should be able to place your
hand between the belt and deck
and reach the center of the
treadmill. If you cannot reach
the center, the belt is too tight
and must be loosened. If your
hand reaches past the center the
belt is too loose and must be
Adjust the treadbelt
• Remove the black motor cover
screws in the side of the frame.
Place motor cover onto
• Attach motor cover with Phillips
head screws provided. Place
rubber spacer between cover and
• Plug treadmill into a dedicated
15A outlet. Walk on treadmill at
approximately 2.5 mph for 20 to
45 minutes to properly walk in
STEP 16:
Install motor cover