54 Other Camera Options
Enable Date/Time Stamp
From camera mode, select
Options > Settings
> Date/Time > On
to place a date/time stamp
on each picture taken.
The icon indicates when the date/time
stamp is on.
Enable Multishot Mode
From camera mode, select
Options > Settings
> Multishot > On
to take multiple pictures.
The icon indicates multishot mode is
enabled. When you take a picture, press and
hold the
key to take multiple pictures. A
single tone plays for each picture taken.
Your camera is set to a lower resolution during
multishot mode. The resolution setting returns
to the previous setting when you are done.
Set Shutter Sound
1. From camera mode, select
Options >
Settings > Shutter Sound
2. Select a sound to play when the shutter
takes a picture.
Set White Balance
1. From camera mode, select
Options >
Settings > White Balance
2. Scroll left or right to select the white
balance setting. Look at the display to see
how each setting looks.
Set Colour Tone
1. From camera mode, select
Options >
Settings > Colour Tone
2. Scroll left or right to select a colour tone.
Look at the viewfinder to see how each
setting looks.
Set Picture Quality
From camera mode, select
Options > Settings
> Picture Quality
and a quality level for your
When you select a higher quality level, the size
of the file is bigger.
Set Save Location
If you have a memory card, you can save
pictures taken to it. From camera mode, select
Options > Settings > Save Location > Save
To Card
If you remove your memory card, pictures will
be saved to your phone.
Other Camera Options
Set Brightness Level
1. From camera mode, select
Options >
2. Scroll left or right to change the brightness
level. Press the
key to set the