If you want to access the “F30” default item (Document
Processor Skewed Feed Adjustment), proceed directly to
step 20. To access the “F26” default item (Document
Processor Leading Edge Timing Adjustment), proceed
directly to step 28.
1 Press down on both exposure adjustment keys for at least 3
seconds. The “F00” default item number will appear on the
copy quantity/magnification display.
(F01 – F32)
2 The default item number will change each time you press
the Number of Copies / Zoom(+) or the Number of Copies /
Zoom(-) key. Refer to the tables under “Available default
items” on page 6-1 to select the number that corresponds to
the desired default item.
(F01 – F32)
3 Press the Recall%/Enter key.
If you selected default items “F01” or “F32”: The
corresponding list/report will be printed out. Proceed to
step 4.
If you selected default items “F11”, “F20”, “F21” or “F25”:
Proceed to step 5.
If you selected default item “F15”: Proceed to step 7.
If you selected default item “F16”: Proceed to step 9.
If you selected default items “F27”, “F28” or “F29”: Proceed
to step 11.
If you selected default item “F31”: Proceed to step 15.
If you selected any default items other than the above:
Proceed to step 17.
(F01 – F29, F31 and F32)
4 Once the list or report is printed out, the operation panel
will return to the display in step 2. Once you are finished
accessing default items, proceed to step 19.
(F01 and F32)
If you are going to print out a list or report, make sure
that there is 8
1/2" × 11" (Letter) or A4 paper either
loaded in a drawer or set on the multi-bypass tray.
Accessing and changing the default settings