Basic Operation
Data to be entered are as follows.
NOTE: You will be unable to send the data if you forget your login user name or login password. Contact your
administrator and check your login user name or login password.
For send to folder (SMB)
For send to folder (FTP)
6 Upon completion of all entries, press [Connection
Test] to check the connection.
NOTE: Connected. appears when connection to the
destination is correctly established. If Cannot connect.
appears, review the entry.
To specify another destination, go to step 7. To
specify only one destination, go to step 8.
Item Data to be entered Max. characters
Host Name*
* To specify a port number different from the default (139), enter using the format “host name: port number”
(e.g., SMBhostname:140).
To enter the IPv6 address, enclose the address in brackets [ ].
(e.g., [3ae3:9a0:cd05:b1d2:28a:1fc0:a1:10ae]:140)
Host name or IP address of the PC to receive the data. Up to 64 characters
Path Path to the receiving folder such as follows.
For example, User\ScanData.
Up to 128 characters
Login User Name User name to access the PC
For example, abcdnet\james.smith
Up to 64 characters
Login Password Password to access the PC Up to 64 characters
Item Data to be entered Max. characters
Host Name*
* To specify a port number different from the default (21), enter using the format “host name: port number”
(e.g., FTPhostname:140).
To enter the IPv6 address, enclose the address in brackets [ ].
(e.g., [3ae3:9a0:cd05:b1d2:28a:1fc0:a1:10ae]:140)
Host name or IP address of FTP server Up to 64 characters
Path Path to the receiving folder.
For example, User\ScanData.
Otherwise the data will be saved in the home directory.
Up to 128 characters
Login User Name FTP server login user name Up to 64 characters
Login Password FTP server login password Up to 64 characters
Host Name
User Name
Folder Path Entry
Enter Destination.
Cancel OKNext Dest.Add to Addr Book
SMB Host
10/10/2010 10:10