Guide to This Operation Guide
This operation guide has the following chapters. The content of each chapter is summarized
below for reference.
1 Copier Functions
This chapter explains various settings that can be made in relation to the copier functions of this
2 Printer Settings
This chapter explains various settings that can be made in relation to the printer functions of this
3 System Menu
This chapter explains the other general settings that can be made in this machine.
4 Job Accounting
This chapter explains the settings of the job accounting functions.
This chapter includes a table of paper that can be used in this machine, a table of specifications,
a chart which explains the combinations of functions and settings that can be used with this
machine, and glossary of terms used in this document.
Guides Supplied with This Machine
The following guides are supplied with this machine. Refer to the guides as needed.
Basic Operation Guide
This Basic Operation Guide contains explanations on the procedures for loading paper and
connection of this product, the basic procedures of copying and printing, and troubleshooting.
Advanced Operation Guide (this guide)
The Advanced Operation Guide contains explanations on copier and printer functions as well as
default settings that can be adjusted on this machine.
KX Printer Driver Installation Guide
This guide describes the procedure to install the printer driver software.
KX Printer Driver Operation Guide
This guide describes how to install and set the printer driver software.
PRESCRIBE Commands Technical Reference
PRESCRIBE is the native language of the Kyocera Mita printers. This Technical Reference
contains the information about how the printing is performed using the PRESCRIBE commands
as well as the font and emulation description. Also included is a list of permanent parameters
and their explanation needed when customizing your printer.
PRESCRIBE Commands Command Reference
Gives a detailed explanation of the PRESCRIBE command syntax and parameters with the aid
of print examples.