
Kramer Protocol 2000
then, after the required delay, send HEX codes
07 80 C1 81 (execute delayed switch)
to implement the switch.
NOTE 18 – After this instruction is sent, the unit will respond to the ASCII command set. The ASCII command to operate
with the HEX command set must be sent in order to return to working with HEX codes.
NOTE 19 – When data (ie. the INPUT and/or OUTPUT bytes) of more than 7 bits is required, this instruction is sent before
sending the instruction needing the additional bits. The data in this instruction then becomes the Most Significant Bits of that
next instruction. For example, to set the audio gain (instruction 22) of output 3 to 681dec (2A9hex), you would first send HEX
3F 80 85 81
and then send HEX codes
16 83 A9 81
To set the audio gain of output 6 to 10013dec (271Dhex), first send HEX codes
3F 80 CE 81
followed by HEX codes
16 86 9D 81
NOTE 20 – To store data in the non-volatile memory of the unit, e.g. the EEPROM for saving SETUPS. The EEPROM
address is sent using the INPUT byte, and the data to be stored is sent using the OUTPUT byte. To use this instruction, it is
necessary to understand the memory map, and memory structure of the particular machine.
NOTE 21 – Instruction 59 and instruction 60 load data for sending to the crosspoint switcher (or for storing in a SETUP), i.e.
the data is “lined-up” to be executed later. Instruction 58 executes the loaded data.
NOTE 22 – If the INPUT byte is set as 127dec, then the data stored in a SETUP is loaded. The SETUP # is in the OUTPUT
NOTE 23 – Further information needed in instructions 21, 22, 25 and 26, is sent using instruction 42 – which is sent prior to
the instruction. For example, to request the audio gain value of right input # 9, send hex codes
2A 84 80 81
and then send HEX codes
19 89 81 81