
CC#77: LFO1 depth (pitch LFO1 intensity)
Corresponds to Pitch LFO1 Intensity (Program P2:
OSC1/2 P.Mod page).
CC#78: LFO1 delay
Corresponds to LFO1 Delay (Program P5: OSC1/2
LFO1 page).
CC#79: Filter EG intensity
Corresponds to Filter EG Intensity to A, B (Program P3:
Filter 1/2 Mod. page).
Different parameters are controlled for the bank I-F pro-
grams that are available when the EXB-MOSS option is
installed. (EXB-MOSS owners manual)
*6Controlled on the global MIDI channel.
*7NRPN (Non Registered Parameter Number) and Data
Entry can be used to control the following parameters.
Arpeggiator on/off
[Bn 63 00 Bn 62 02 Bn 06 nn] (nn:003F off, 407F on)
Arpeggiator gate control
[Bn 63 00 Bn 62 0A Bn 06 nn] (nn:007F)
Arpeggiator velocity control
[Bn 63 00 Bn 62 0B Bn 06 nn] (nn:007F)
*8Corresponds to the operation of the [VALUE] slider as a
controller in Program P0: Program Select or Combina-
tion P0: Combination Select is selected.