
Program P7: KARMA 7–6: Perf Real-Time Parameters
Key Zone Bottom [+0000…+0127]
Assigns the “Bottom (Key Zone Bottom)” (Program 7–
1a) function.
+0000…+0127: C-1–G9 (corresponds to note numbers)
For more information, see “Bottom (Key Zone
Bottom)” on page 99.
Key Zone Top [+0000…+0127]
Assigns the “Top (Key Zone Top)” (Program 7–1a)
+0000…+0127: C-1–G9 (corresponds to note numbers)
For more information, see “Top (Key Zone Top)” on
page 99.
Transpose In Thru [–0036…+0036]
Assigns the “Transpose In Zone” (Program 7–1a)
function. This controls transposition of the note data
from the keyboard within the Key Zone, in semitone
For more information, see “Transpose In Zone” on
page 99.
Transpose Out Thru [–0036…+0036]
Assigns the “Transpose Out Zone” (Program 7–1a)
function. This controls the transposition of note data
from the keyboard outside the Key Zone, in semitone
For more information, see “Thru Out Zone” on
page 99.
Transpose Octave In Thru [–0036…+0036]
Assigns the “Transpose In Zone” (Program 7–1a)
function. This controls the transposition of note data
from the keyboard within the Key Zone, in octave
Transpose Octave Out Thru [–0036…+0036]
Assigns the “Transpose Out Zone” (Program 7–1a)
function. This controls the transposition of note data
from the keyboard outside the Key Zone, in octave
Transpose Octave/5th In Thru [–0036…+0036]
Assigns the “Transpose In Zone” (Program 7–1a)
function. This controls the transposition of note data
from the keyboard within the Key Zone, in units of an
octave and a fifth.
Transpose Octave/5th Out Thru [–0036…+0036]
Assigns the “Transpose Out Zone” (Program 7–1a)
function. This controls the transposition of note data
from the keyboard outside the Key Zone, in units of an
octave and a fifth.
Group: Random
Start Seed [-8192…0…+8191]
Assign the “Start Seed” (Program 7–8b) function.
+0000: Random
Other than +0000: Any desired “Start Seed” value.
However, you cannot select values outside the range of
-8192 to +8191 when changing the value in this way.
For more information, see “Start Seed” on page 118.
Note: If the “Start Seed” value is set to a value outside
of this range when you first assign it as a RT Parameter,
it will be limited to either end of the range.
Freeze Loop Length [+0000…+0032]
Assigns the “Freeze Loop Length” (Program 7-8b)
function. This specifies the number of measures (bars)
in the phrases that are repeatedly generated by the
KARMA Module. After being triggered, the Module
will generate a phrase of the number of measures you
specify here, and will then repeat that phrase.
Freeze Loop Length + Reset [+0000…+0032]
Like Freeze Loop Length, above, this also assigns the
“Freeze Loop Length” (Program 7-8b) function.
However, when this is used, and the Start Seed is set to
some other value than 0: Random, changing the Freeze
Loop Length to any value except 0: Off will reset the
Start Seed internally to the indicated value, thereby
restoring the original phrase at the next downbeat
without retriggering it from the keyboard.
Normally, if you were generating a randomized riff
from a particular Start Seed value, setting Freeze Loop
Length to 0: Off would cause the phrase to continue
randomizing from its current internal position. If you
then set the Freeze Loop Length to some other value
than 0: Off, thereby looping the phrase, it does not
automatically reset the Start Seed until you retrigger it
from the keyboard (depending on Trigger settings). By
using “Freeze Loop Length + Reset,” a change in the
Freeze Loop Length can additionally reset the internal
Start Seed and therefore generate the same phrase as
before, allowing instantaneous switching between
“randomized” and “preset” phrases.
Retrigger Each Time [+0000, +0001]
Assigns the “Retrigger Each Time” (Program 7–9b)
+0000: Off
+0001: On
For more information, see “Retrigger Each Time” on
page 120.
7-6: Page Menu Commands
The number before each command shows its ENTER +
number-key shortcut. For more information on these
shortcuts, see “ENTER + 0-9: shortcuts for menu
commands” on page 138.
0: Write Program. For more information, see “Write
Program” on page 138.
1: Exclusive Solo. For more information, see
“Exclusive Solo” on page 138.
2: Copy KARMA Module. For more information,
see “Copy KARMA Module” on page 146.
3: Initialize KARMA Module. For more
information, see “Initialize KARMA Module” on
page 147.
4: Copy Scene. For more information, see “Copy
Scene” on page 147.
5: Swap Scenes. For more information, see “Swap
Scene” on page 147.