6. Preparing the Mini-Compressor for use
Remove the Mini-Compressor and the Adapter sets ᕨ
from the packaging. Unwind the power cable ᕥ to its
full length.
The Mini-Compressor is now ready for use.
7. Using the Mini-Compressor
7.1 Using the Mini-Compressor to inflate objects
1. Remove the cigar lighter from its holder in the vehicle.
Should the interior of the cigar lighter holder be soiled
(e.g. with tobacco shreds or ash): Clean it with a non-con-
ducting object before inserting the cigar lighter plug ᕧ.
Otherwise it could cause a malfunction in the operation
of the Mini-Compressor. Ideal would be a small brush,
cotton buds or something similar. Under no circumstances
use anything metallic! Also, do not insert your fingers into
the cigar lighter holder!
IB_KH4106_U5004_UK 05.06.2007 10:33 Uhr Seite 9