j) Seam guide
ᕡ Use the seam guide for sewing
longer seams or hems, which should
have a uniform distance from the
edge of the cloth.
• Screw the seam guide into one of the
threaded holes on the right of the
stitch plate. Set the desired seam
width, then tighten the knurled screw.
• The edge of the cloth must touch the
seam guide while sewing. The seam
guide can also be screwed in
obliquely for sewing corners.
k) Overcast stitch
ᕢ Select this stitch when you want to
prevent fraying on cut edges.
l) Stretch seam
ᕣ Select this stitch for cord, tricot and
other stretch fabrics. This type of
seam can be stretched without the
thread breaking. The stretch seam
stitch produces a highly strain-resist-
ant, straight seam.
IB_Sewingmachine_content_UK.qxd 22.07.2004 12:21 Uhr Seite 22