TP-6880 10/14 67Section 5 Scheduled Maintenance
5.6 Exhaust System
Carbon monoxide.
Can cause severe nausea,
fainting, or death.
The exhaust system must be
leakproof and routinely inspected.
Generator set operation. Carbon monoxide can cause
severe nausea, fainting, or death. Carbon monoxide is an
odorless, colorless, tasteless, nonirritating gas that can cause
death if inhaled for even a short time. Avoid breathing exhaust
fumes when working on or near the generator set. Never
operate the generator set inside a building. Never operate the
generator set where exhaust gas could seep inside or be
drawninto apotentiallyoccupiedbuilding throughwindows, air
intake vents, or other openings.
Carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide can
cause severe nausea, fainting, or death. Install carbon
monoxide detectors on each l evel of any building adjacent to
thegenerator set. Locate thedetectors toadequatelywarn the
building’s occupants o f the presence of carbon monoxide.
Keep the detectors operational at all times. Periodically test
and replace the carbon monoxide detectors according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Carbon monoxide symptoms. Carbon monoxide can
cause severe nausea, fainting, or death. Carbon monoxide
is a poisonous gas present in exhaust gases. Carbon
monoxide isan odorless, colorless,tasteless, nonirritatinggas
that can cause death if inhaled for even a short time. Carbon
monoxide poisoning symptoms include but are not limited to
the following:
D Light-headedness, dizziness
D Physical fatigue, weakness in
joints and muscles
D Sleepiness, mental fatigue,
inability to concentrate
or speak clearly, blurred vision
D Stomachache, vomiting, nausea
If experiencing any of these symptoms and carbon monoxide
poisoning is possible, seek fresh air immediately and remain
active. Do not sit, lie down, or fall asleep. Alert others to t he
possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning. Seek medical
attention if the condition of affected persons does not improve
within minutes of breathing fresh air.
Hazardous noise.
Can cause hearing loss.
Never operate the generator set
without a muffler or with a faulty
exhaust system.
Hot engine and exhaust system.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Do not work on the generator set until
it cools.
Servicing the exhaust system. Hot parts can cause
severe injury or death. Do not touch hot engine parts. The
engine and exhaust system components become extremely
hot during operation.
Remove all combustible materials from the exhaust
location. Combustible materials include building
materialsas wellas naturalsurroundings. Keep dryfield
grass, foliage, and combustible landscaping material a
minimum of 1.5 m (5 ft.) from the exhaust outlet.
Periodically inspectthe exhaustsystem componentsfor
cracks, leaks, and corrosion.
D Check forcorroded orbroken metalpartsand replace
them as needed.
D Check that the exhaust outlet is clear.