TP-6843 1/13 Section 3 VSC Controller Operation 35
Figure 3-17
Figure 3-17 Effect of Changing the System Voltage Setting
Auto Stop Load: The auto stop load is set as a
percentage of full load. As the battery bank
approaches the fully charged state, the charge rate
slows, and the load on the generator set decreases.
The 6VSG will automatically stop when the load has
reached or fallen below the Auto Stop Load setting for
180 seconds (3 minutes). The default setting is 40%
Load Limit (%): This setting limits the current output
to the maximum charge rate specified by the battery
manufacturer or load in the application. The default
setting is 100%, which gives the maximum current
values shown in Figure 3-18. Refer to the battery
manufacturer's recommended maximum charge rate
and contact an authorized Kohler distributor or dealer
if the setting needs to be changed.
Figure 3-18
Figure 3-18 Maximum Charge Current at Default Load Limit Setting of 100%
Load Limit =
(Recommended charging voltage (VDC) x Maximum charging current (amps)) x 100
6000 watts
Nominal Voltage 24V 36V 48V
System Voltage, VDC 27 40.5 54
Maximum Current at 100% Load Limit, Amps 222 148 111