
TP-6200 10/1236 Section 2 Operation
Note: Text shown in italics in this manual represents
digital display messages.
AC Sensing Loss. The lamp illuminates when the
controller does not detect nominal generator set AC
output voltage after crank disconnect. The local display
shows AC sensing loss.
Battery Charger Fault. The lamp illuminates when the
battery charger malfunctions. This fault feature requires
an optional battery charger with a malfunction output for
the lamp to function. Local display shows bat chgr fault.
Battle Switch. The lamp illuminates when in the battle
switch mode. The local display shows battle switch.
Breaker Closed. The lamp illuminates when the
respective circuit breaker is closed. The local display
shows breaker closed. (Paralleling applications only.)
Breaker Trip. The lamp illuminates when the respective
circuit breaker is tripped. The local display shows
breaker trip. (Paralleling applications only.)
Common Protective Relay Output. The lamp
illuminates when a common protective relay fault
occurs. The local display shows common pr output.
(Paralleling applications only.)
Customer Auxiliary (Warning). The lamp illuminates
and the alarm horn sounds when an auxiliary digital or
analog inputs signals the controller. The user can define
inputs as shutdowns or warnings. The local display
shows digital input D01-D21 or analog input A01-A07.
Using the remote communications package, the user
can label the auxiliary functions. The controller displays
the selected name instead of digital input D01-D21 or
analog input A01-A07.
Defined Common Faults. The lamp illuminates and
the alarm horn sounds when one or more of the
(user-selected) defined common faults are energized.
The local display shows defined common fault.
Detonation Warning. The lamp illuminates and the
alarm horn sounds when the engine detects combustion
system detonation. The local display shows deton
warning. (W aukesha-powered models only. )
ECM Yellow Alarm. The lamp illuminates and the alarm
horn sounds when ECM yellow alarm signals the
controller. The local display shows ECM yellow alarm.
This fault only relates to the DDC/MTU engine with
MDEC/ADEC. The user can navigate the menus to
access the fault code. The engine operation manual
provides the fault code descriptions.
Emergency Power System (EPS) Supplying Load.
The lamp illuminates when the generator set supplies
more than 1% of the rated standby output current. The
local display shows EPS supplying load.
Ground Fault Detected. The lamp illuminates and the
alarm horn sounds when a user-supplied ground fault
detector signals the controller. The local display shows
ground fault.
High Battery Voltage. The lamp illuminates when the
battery voltage rises above the preset level for more
than 10 seconds. The local display shows high battery
voltage. Figure 2-1 shows high battery voltage
specifications. The high battery voltage feature
monitors the battery and battery charging system in the
generator set operating and off modes.
Engine Electrical
System Voltage
High Battery
Voltage Range
High Battery Voltage
Default Setting
12 14.5--16.5 16
24 29--33 32
Figure 2-1 High Battery Voltage Specs
High Coolant Temperature Warning. The lamp
illuminates and the alarm horn sounds when the engine
coolant temperature approaches the shutdown range.
The local display shows hi cool temp warning.
High Oil Temperature Warning. The lamp illuminates
and the alarm horn sounds when the engine high oil
temperatuare approaches the shutdown range. The local
display shows hi oil temp warning (DDC/MTU m odels with
MDEC/ADEC and W aukesha-powered models only).
Idle (Speed) Mode. The lamp illuminates when in the
idle (speed) mode. The local display shows idle mode
Intake Air Temperature Warning. The l amp illuminates
and the alarm horn sounds when the engine intake air
temperature approaches the shutdown range. The local
display shows intake air temp warn (DDC/MTU models
with MDEC/ADEC) and 03 intake air temp warn
(W aukesha-powered models).
Load Shed. The lamp illuminates when the generator
set’s total kW load exceeds the programmed level for
more than the load shed time. When the load shed alarm
sounds and resets more than twice in 1 minute, the load
shed warning lamp circuit latches and remains on until
the generator set shuts down. The local display shows
load shed kW over.