1. Construct the Stud Framing
Install the drain and supply pipes according to local plumbing codes.
IMPORTANT! Plan the shower area around the desired placement of the shelving unit. Ensure the
placement of the shelving unit will be free of obstructions (such as pipes or electrical boxes).
IMPORTANT! Before attaching the studs, ensure the studs are not warped.
Install two studs 7-1/2″ (19.1 cm) apart on center at the desired shelving unit location.
Verify the studs are plumb. Plane the studs, if necessary.
Build the rest of the shower area out of 2x4 or 2x6 lumber according to local building codes.
Install the pipes, valves, and showerhead fittings according to the plumbing manufacturer’s
If applicable, install a watertight membrane to the floor.
Wrap and staple water barrier plastic sheeting into the stud pocket.
Place and staple water barrier plastic sheeting over the remaining studs.
Install the shower basin at this time. Refer to the shower basin manufacturer’s installation
Verify studs
are plumb.
Staple plastic
(19.1 cm)
Kohler Co. 3 1071003-2-B