Print Server
✔ The set of values allowed depends on the
command. For example, the COPIES
command accepts a value between 1 and
9999. Values, like commands, can be
uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case. All
values are of three types: numeric (as in the
COPIES command), a selection of choices
(such as No, Between, and Trim for the CUT
command), or a text string (for the FILENAME
and LABEL_CUSTOM_TEXT commands).
✔ Spaces or tab characters separate the
command from its value. Spaces and tabs
may also be placed before the command or
after the value. All are ignored.
NOTE: Spaces and tabs are allowed in a text string,
but they cannot be the outermost
characters, as they are ignored.
✔ If the same command appears more than
once, the last value is the one that is used.
✔ The extension of a command file must be
".kmd". The file must be saved as a text file;
rich-text or MICROSOFT Word formats add
extra formatting information that is not
understood by the ML-500 Print Server and
generate errors.
✔ If an error occurs, error information is written
to the log file. It also appears in a dialog if the
ML-500 Print Server is running in Attended