A-61167 September 2002 11
Making Connections Follow the instructions for installing the IEEE-1394 (FireWire) card and the
Kodak driver software before you plug the scanner into the host computer.
IMPORTANT: You must install the software on the host computer before you
install the scanner.
Installing the IEEE-1394
(FireWire) Card in the
Host Computer
An IEEE-1394 six-pin connector is provided on the rear panel of the scanner
for IEEE-1394 (FireWire) connectivity.
1. Install the IEEE-1394 (FireWire) card in the host computer as described by
the instructions included with the card.
IMPORTANT: Use proper precautions to avoid static when you install the
IEEE-1394 (FireWire) card in your computer.
2. Power up the host computer after the IEEE-1394 (FireWire) card
installation is complete.
Installing the Kodak
Driver Software
1. Insert the KODAK i200 Series Installation CD in the CD-ROM drive.
The installation program starts automatically.
2. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the KODAK TWAIN and ISIS
drivers and the KODAK Scanner Validation Tool.
3. Attach the beaded end of the IEEE-1394 cable to the IEEE-1394 port on
the back of the scanner.
IMPORTANT: Only use the IEEE-1394 cable that is supplied with the
i200 Series Scanner.
4. Attach the other end of the IEEE-1394 cable to the host computer.
IMPORTANT: The i200 Series Scanner should be the only item plugged in to
the IEEE-1394 (FireWire) card on the host computer.