
installing 2-12
on 3-2
properties 5-1
album settings 5-7
albums 5-7
camera name 5-7
burst picture settings 5-5
capture rate 5-6
picture size 5-6
camera settings 5-4
finding 5-1
general settings 5-2
baud rate 5-2
communication method
date and time 5-3
file type 5-3
firmware version 5-3
name 5-3
picture type 5-4
power status 5-3
storage status 5-6
time-out settings 5-3
white balance 5-4
picture type settings
picture size 5-6
quality 5-5
resolution 5-5
still picture settings
advanced capture mode
flash mode 5-4
focus 5-4
macro 5-4
zoom 5-5
timelapse picture settings
interval 5-6
number of pictures to
capture 5-6
picture size 5-6
settings 5-4
softkeys 2-3
software 1-3
time 5-3
to camera copy 4-8
troubleshooting 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-5,
9-6, 9-7
turning on 3-2
typical uses 1-2
zoom 3-17
digital 3-17
camera memory card
getting pictures from 9–10
camera name preferences
settings 3-12
Capture mode 2-3
entering 3-2
advanced exposure modes
external flash 3-8
long time exposure 3-8
programmed AE 3-8
advanced focus modes 3-9
album 3-5
close up 3-13
defining 3-3
via menus 3-3
via SCROLL and
buttons 3-13
exposure 3-13
flash 3-13
focus modes
manual 3-9
multi-spot 3-9
single-spot 3-9
picture type 3-4, 3-13
preferences 3-9
camera name 3-12
capture 3-10
date and time 3-11
quality 3-13
script 3-5