34 A-61195 July 2003
Problem Solution
When the scanner is powered up, the lamp
does not light.
• The lamp has burned out. Contact service. Lamp life is about
15,000 hours.
• If the power light on the ADF is flashing, the power adapter
is malfunctioning or the main board has short-circuited.
Contact service.
The scanned image is too dark. •Modify the Curves setting to 2.2 and 1.8 for your printer and
monitor, respectively.
• Use the Brightness setting to get a brighter image.
The scanned lines of Black and White
images seem much thicker than those of
the original.
• Use the Brightness or Threshold setting to adjust Black and
White images.
The color image quality is not acceptable Color image quality is highly subjective. Here are some things to
consider when scanning in color:
• The differing color gamuts of capture, display, and output
devices can affect color perception. Computer monitor displays
and printer output can vary from model to model and from
manufacturer to manufacturer. An image may be acceptable
on one monitor and unacceptable on another.
• Area lighting (fluorescent, natural, incandescent) can affect
color perception.
• The appearance of a colored area within an image can be
perceived differently, based on what surrounds it.
• The characteristics and condition of a document can have an
impact on color consistency.
• Color requirements may differ between environments (e.g., in a
business document environment, images are generally viewed
on a monitor, whereas in a “print on demand” environment,
scanned images are printed.)
• Make sure that the ADF and the glass areas are clean
before scanning.