Installation Manual
a. The sounder is installed by first mounting the base unit and making the
external wring connections to the base. The head unit then automatically
connectswhen it is attachedto thebase.
b. The sounder head is separated from the base by unlocking the four
¼-turn fasteners in the corners of the sounder.
(Recommended screwdriver: Philips No. 2, min 100mm long).
c. Note that the head only fits onto the base one way around. If a beacon
is fitted, care should be taken when mounting the base to ensure that
the beacon will be positioned in the desired orientation after the
sounder is attached
The sounder and beacon have separate wiring terminals. Each terminal is
duplicated to enable simple ‘daisy-chain’ connection of multiple units.
a. Tone Selection
The first and second stage alarm tones are independently set using
6-way dipswitches S1 and S2 respectively. The required settings are
shown in the table overleaf. The third stage alarm tone is pre-set to
complement the selected first stage tone as shown in the table.
b. Volume Control
The sound output of the unit can be reduced by up to 20dBA by
adjusting the potentiometer.
c. Beacon Flash Controls (If fitted)
The flash mode of the beacon can be altered using the 2-way
dipswitch marked
Sounder Positive Supply (10 to 60V DC)
Sounder Negative Supply (0V)
2nd StageAlarm Control (Connect to 0V to activate)
3rd StageAlarm Control (Connect to 0V to activate)
Beacon Positive Supply (10 to 60V DC)
Beacon Negative Supply (0V)
Line Terminal Marking
Switch Off On Off On
1 60 flashes per min 30 flashes per min Single Flash Double Flash
2 Single Flash Double Flash Flashing Static
Technical Specification:
Supply Voltage Range 10-60V DC
Current – Sounder 0.12-0.55A* (Typ. 0.5A @ 24V, Tone 2)
Current –Beacon Xenon - 250mA Average, 700mA Peak*,
(Where fitted) LED - 18mA (Flashing) or 65mA (Static)*
Peak Sound Level 110-120 dBA at 1m*
Number of Tones 64
Volume Control 20dBA typical
Remote Tone Switching Provision for 3 alarm stages
(Negative voltage activation)
Operating Temperature - 25°C to +70°C
Casing High Impact Polycarbonate/ABS
IP Rating IP66
Synchronisation Automatic with Klaxon Nexus and
Sonos Sounders
*depends on selected tone and input voltage. See tone table for details.
EN54-3 certified on tones 1,2,3,6,7 & 13 & > 17V DC only.
TheEuropean directive“WasteElectrical and Electronic Equipment”(WEEE)
aimsto minimisethe impactof electricaland electronicequipment wasteon
theenvironment andhuman health.Toconform withthis directive,electrical
equipmentmarked withthis symbolmust notbe disposedof inEuropeanpublic
disposalsystems. Europeanusers ofelectrical equipmentmust nowreturn
end-of-lifeequipment fordisposal. Furtherinformation canbe foundon the
followingwebsite: http://www.recyclethis.info/.
From Controller To Next Unit
1st Stage
2nd Stage
3rd Stage
1st Unit 2nd Unit
Nexus 120 DC Sounder & Sounder-Beacon
Installation Instructions