TimeMed Labeling Systems, Inc. - Call Toll Free: 800-323-4840 or visit www.timemed.com
Map a BARCODE label element to a Database Field
1. Click on the BARCODE element.
2. Map this barcode label element to the Source Type of “Database” and Field of “Barcode”.
3. The default barcodes used are Code 39. You also have the option to create barcodes using
Code 128, 2-D or other barcodes by referring to the barcode section titled “Map a BARCODE
label element to a Database Field”.
At this point you can save the label format you have created. Go to the top menu bar and click on
“File, Save As” and type in the appropriate le name (the le name used can be up to a maximum
of 8 characters).
When creating a label template using a DATABASE, we recommend that
you also create a separate label template (with the same layout) using the
KEYBOARD input method. This will allow you to create and print labels
even if an item currently does not exist in your database.