455kHz #96 Filter
The INRAD #96 filter connects to the Connection Board that is located on the radio top,
just behind the speaker.
• Remove the Connection Board.
• Remove the stock 3kHz filter – Labeled CFJ455K.
• Install a coax at each filter connection point, noting the shield connects to the
circuit board ground.
• Install the Connection Board
• Solder the coax leads to the #96 filter, noting the shield connects to the filter
ground. Either terminal set can be used for input or output.
• Install the #96 filter to the speaker bracket using Velcro type material. Access to
the PLL board below the Connection Board requires removal of the Connection
Board. Velcro type installation allows for easy access to the PLL Board.
o An alternate location is above connector CN403 on the side panel. This
location is troubled by inductors L464 and L465 and can short to ground if
contacting the bottom of the #96 filter. Again, Velcro material is used to
allow access to the PLL Board.
Bench testing of the radio showed no circuit tuning was required after installing the new