When the system is operating, RX audio and the commands that control ARCP are sent from the
host PC, along with the TX audio and commands controlling the transceiver.
Using this combination of ARCP-480 and ARHP-10, in order to be able to communicate by voice,
and to be able to hear the sidetone when keying, both the host PC and remote PC must be
running Windows® 2000 (SP3 or later) or Windows® XP (SP1 or later). For voice exchanges, the
remote PC must be connected to a microphone for TX audio input, and to a speaker for receiving
audio. These are both plugged into a sound card.
Accidental continuous TX
Inasmuch as KNS is a network-based method for performing remote control over a network, it is
possible that, through some malfunction, the TS-480 installed on the host end might go into
continuous transmission accidentally.
By setting the time-out timer on the TS-480, it is possible to ensure that, after the set time period
has passed, the transceiver will automatically switch back to RX mode. The timer count always
starts with the commencement of transmission, so even in the case of a prolonged but intentional
transmission, after the set period has passed it will switch back to RX; nevertheless, it is a good
way to prevent the transceiver from going into continuous TX mode.
In the event that, following the start of transmission, some network problem arises that prevents
you from executing the command for the transceiver to switch back to RX, the ARHP-10 software
itself is equipped with a function* that, after the passage of a fixed period of time, will switch the
transceiver back to RX mode. However, please make sure that you can obtain rapid access to the
host if a malfunction occurs.**
*This software cannot handle every problem that may occur.
**In Japan only. For details, refer to the laws governing radio transmissions.
Setting up KNS on the ARCP side
First check the LAN/WAN. Ensure that
everything is set up correctly, referring to the
second section on ARHP10, ARCP-480 Help,
and the instruction manuals for your network
Before setting up the host side for KNS, you
should first check with the administrator of the
host computer and obtain all necessary
information. This includes the KNS host address,
the command port number, user name and
password, and guidance on how to connect the
audio cable.
Within the setup window, you should fill in the
necessary information in the KENWOOD
To: combo box is empty, this means that no KNS host has been selected. You should input the
host for the connection using the Setting and Add buttons.
In the KNS Connection Settings window, you should input the name of the other computer as the
connection name, together with its description. For the address, input the IP address of the other
computer. You must also input user name and password. If you are going to use voice