If necessary, you can set the transceiver to remain in the transmit mode for
500 ms after a signal drops.
1 Enter Menu mode and access Menu 404 (RPT.HLD) {page 20}.
2 Set the Repeater Hold function to ON or OFF.
If necessary, you can set the transceiver to transmit your call sign every 10
1 Enter Menu mode and access Menu 406 (ID.TX) {page 20}.
2 Set the ID Trasmit function to OFF, MORSE, or VOICE.
• To use VOICE transmission, you must have the VGS-1 option installed. When using
the VGS-1 option, the ID Transmit function will use VGS channel 3 as the call sign
{page 78}.
• When selecting MORSE, the call sign stored in Menu 405 {see below} will be
transmitted at 20 wpm (words per minute).
n Entering your Repeater ID
1 Enter Menu mode and access Menu 405 (RPT.ID) {page 20}.
2 Enter your call sign {page 24}.