
9 MCP-2A Memory Control Program (for use with TM-V71A/E, TM-D710A/E, RC-D710)
9.2 Main Functions of MCP-2A
MCP-2A has many functions. This section lists the most commonly used functions of MCP-2A
including importing files.
9.2.1 Main New Functions Added
Imports and exports memory channels.
Outputs files in html format.
Inputs memory channels from tabular format.
9.2.2 Useful Functions of MCP-2A
Creates main memory groups and PM (Programmable Memory).
Reads and retains memory channel and other data.
Imports/ exports memory channels.
Imports files that have been exported from ARRL’s TravelPlus for Repeaters.
Imports files created by earlier versions of MCP series software (see Note below).
Changes font sizes.
Indicates user name/ callsign.
9.2.3 Functions Only Configurable by MCP-2A
Selecting monitor method for EchoLink Sysop mode.
Switching SQC active conditions.
For packet transmission or EchoLink Sysop mode, changing the input sensitivity for the data
terminal and configuring the output level.
Selecting 10 MHz steps for the VFO.
Configuring the character string for the power on password.
Note: Regarding files created with the other MCP series software for products other than TM-V71A/E and
TM-D710A/E, it is possible to read the memory channel data.