SCRAMBLER (FM) <TK-5210/ TK-5310 ONLY>/
◆ The Scrambler function can be used only in Conventional FM
Operation. Additionally, the Voice Scrambler board must be
installed before this function can be activated.
◆ Ask your dealer for details concerning the Voice Scrambler
board and the Encryption DES/AES settings.
Secure (encrypted) trAnSmiSSion
Press the key programmed as Scrambler/ Encryption to
switch the transceiver to secure (encrypted) transmission.
• On K2/K3/K5/K6/K7 model transceivers, the icon appears when
the Scrambler or Encryption function is turned ON.
• Pressing the
PTT switch after the Scrambler or Encryption function
has been turned ON encrypts the transmitted signal.
• Each group member must activate their respective Scrambler/
Encryption functions to descramble the received signals.
Selecting the ScrAmBler code
1 Press the key programmed as Scrambler/ Encryption
Code (K2/K3/K5/K6/K7 models only) or press and hold the
key programmed as Scrambler/ Encryption for 1 second,
to enter Code Selection Mode.
2 Press the Side 2 and Side 3 keys or the D> and <C keys to
increase or decrease the Scrambler code.
• There are 16 available Scrambler codes (1 ~ 16).
• Each group member must use the same code in order for the
transceivers to descramble the received signals.
3 Press the Side 1 key to set the new Scrambler code.