All-Mode, Multiband, Engineered for Excellence
Kenwood’s new TS-2000/2000X/B2000 all-mode multibander may be
compact, but it’s equipped with all the features you would expect to
find in a top-of-the-line rig.
IF Digital Signal Processing
The TS-2000/2000X/B2000 is serious about digital signal
processing. Kenwood’s advanced digital technology
converts analog waveforms into digital data in real-time,
enabling such digital processing as IF filtering, slope
tune, auto notch and AGC. IF-stage DSP on main-band
transmit and receive — including V/UHF bands —
allows the greatest range of control and unprecedented
DSP Detection
IF-stage DSP means that
the TS-2000/2000X/B2000
offers significantly lower
distortion and higher
quality detection in all
modes. (FM: digital
AF filter)
Digital Filtering
There is absolutely no
need to purchase optional
filters: digital IF filters are
available for each mode
(FM: digital AF filter),
offering performance
superior to anything
possible with analog
circuitry. When operating
in SSB/FM/AM modes, this
digital filtering enables
both high- and low-cut
frequency variance.
Employing slope tune,
you can thus cut out
noise with minimal effect
on sound quality. In AM
mode, the high-cut fre-
quency can reduce inter-
ference by controlling the
IF pass bandwidth —
useful for receiving short-
wave broadcasts. In CW
mode, the WIDTH func-
tion is supplemented by
center frequency shift,
allowing adjacent signal
interference to be tuned
out. The WIDTH function
also provides noise
reduction capabilities in
FSK with 4 steps avail-
able: 250, 500, 1000 and 1500Hz. And thanks to AF-stage
DSP, independent control of high-cut and low-cut frequencies
(12 steps each) provides slope tune capability in FM as well.
IF Auto Notch
Since it is working with a
digital signal, IF Auto
Notch (main band, SSB
mode) can provide
extremely sharp filtering
of carrier frequencies
from broadcast and con-
tinuous beat sources. The interfering beat is removed far
more accurately than in conventional analog systems, and
Auto Notch will even track changes in the beat signal
(tracking speed can be varied in 5 steps).
The digital AGC circuit (main band only) delivers very fast
release characteristics, surpassing even the best analog
designs. You can select a custom release time (20 steps) for
each mode, except FM.