12-14 BRAKES
Brake Pads
Rear Brake Pad Removal
Remove the caliper with the hose installed.
Clip [A]
Pad Pin [B]
Brake Pads [C]
Rear Brake Pad Installation
Push the caliper piston in by hand as far as it will go.
Install the pad spring in place.
Install the piston side pad [A] first, and then another pad.
Fit the projections [B] of the pad into the recesses [C] of
the caliper holder.
Install the pad pin and clip. The clip must be “outside” of
the pads.
Install the caliper (see Caliper Installation).
Do not attempt to drive the motorcycle until a full
brake pedal is obtained by pumping the brake pedal
until the pads are against the disc. The brake w ill
not function on the first application of the pedal if
this is not done.
Brake Pad Wear Inspection
Refer to the Brake Pad Wear Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter (see Brake Pad Wear Inspection in
the Periodic Maintenance chapter).