Check the front brake.
A. Front Brake Caliper (Left)
B. Bo
lts (D = 10, L = 47)
Do not attempt to ride the motorcycle un-
til a full brake lever is obtained by pump-
ing the brake lever until the pads are
against the disc. The brake will not func-
tion on the first application of the lever if
this is not done.
Front Brake Hose Grommets
Fit the grommet onto each front left and right
brake hose, and install it in the clamp.
US and CN Mo d els
A. Front Brake Hose (Left)
B. Grommet
C. Brake Hose Clamp (Left)
Other than US and CN Models
A. Front Brake Hose (Left)
B. Grommet
C. Brake Hose Clamp (Left)
Front and Rear Shift Pedals
żInstall the front and rear shift pedals after the
“Clutch Fluid” section in the Preparation chap-
Install the front shift pedal on the shift shaft
aligning the punched marks on the pedal and
the shaft.
Install the pedal bolt (D = 8, L = 25) and
tighten it to the specified torque.
Torque : 30 N·m (3.1 kgf·m, 22 ft·lb)
Install the rear shift pedal with the bolt (D =
8, L = 25) in the same way as the front shift
A. Front Shift Pedal
C. Align the Punched Marks.
D. Rear Shift Pedal
E. Shift Shaft