H.264 stream form the camera is sequence of I Picture and P Picture. Ratio of I Picture and P Picture depends on
I-Frame interval setting. Encode page of Web has the setting.
Example of H.264 Stream
HTTP response
Sequence Parameter Set
Picture Parameter Set
User data
I Picture
User data
P Picture
User data
I Picture
There are Sequence Parameter Set, Picture Parameter Set, and User data before each I Picture and there is User
data before each P Picture.
The following information is stored in the User data. Each item has a fixed length.
Item Size Example Note
Start code 4 0x00000001 Start code of User data in H.264 stream.
NAL unit type 1 0x66 NAL unit type of User data in H.264 stream.
Payload type 1 0x05 Payload type of User data in H.264 stream.
User data size 1 0xf0 Size of User data in H.264 stream.
Reserved 16 0x030303030303030
Model Name
18 type = VN-H137
Product Name
Time Stamp
This is made up of the year/month/day,
hour/minute/second, millisecond and timezone code.
Camera ID
50 camera = input01
Camera ID that user can define
Motion Detect Result
7 md = 1
Specified as 1 if motion is detected at the time when
data is created.
Tampering Detect
14 tampering = 0
Specified as 1 if tampering is detected at the time when
data is created.