The following marks are used to indicate...
: Built-in CD player operations.
: External CD changer operations.
: External USB memory operations.
: Indicator displayed for the
corresponding operation.
How to use the M MODE button
If you press M MODE, the unit goes into functions mode,
then the number buttons and
5/∞ buttons work as
different function buttons.
Ex.: When number button 2 works as
MO (monaural) button.
To use these buttons for their original functions
again after pressing M MODE, wait for 5 seconds
without pressing any of these buttons until the
functions mode is cleared or press M MODE again.
Detaching the control panel
Attaching the control panel
Control panel — KD-G632/KD-G631 ....... 4
Remote controller —
RM-RK50 ........... 5
Getting started ................................ 6
Basic operations ................................................... 6
Radio operations ............................. 7
FM RDS operations ........................... 8
Searching for your favorite FM RDS programme
... 8
Disc / USB memory operations ........... 11
Playing a disc in the unit ..................................... 11
Playing discs in the CD changer ........................... 11
Playing from a USB memory ................................ 11
Sound adjustments .......................... 14
General settings — PSM .................. 15
DAB tuner operations ....................... 18
iPod/D. player operations ................. 19
Other external component operations
... 21
Maintenance ................................... 22
More about this unit ........................ 23
Troubleshooting .............................. 26
Specifications .................................. 29
For safety...
• Do not raise the volume level too much, as this will
block outside sounds, making driving dangerous.
• Stop the car before performing any complicated
Temperature inside the car...
If you have parked the car for a long time in hot or cold
weather, wait until the temperature in the car becomes
normal before operating the unit.
Utilizarea dispozitivelor Bluetooth ®
Pentru utilizarea func#iilor Bluetooth, este necesar s% conecta#i adaptorul Bluetooth (KS-BTA200) la mufa
schimb%torului de CD-uri de pe partea posterioar% a acestui aparat. Consulta#i "i pagina 40.
• Consulta#i, de asemenea, instruc#iunile furnizate împreun% cu adaptorul Bluetooth "i dispozitivul
• Consulta#i lista (inclus% în caset%) pentru a vedea #%rile în care este permis% utilizarea func#iei
Pentru a folosi pentru prima oar% dispozitivul Bluetooth împreun% cu acest aparat, (“Bluetooth Phone” "i
“Bluetooth Audio”), trebuie s% stabili#i conexiunea wireless Bluetooth între aparat "i dispozitiv.
• Odat% stabilit%, conexiunea se înregistreaz% în aparat, chiar dac% îl reseta#i. Se pot înregistra pân% la
cinci dispozitive.
Pentru ! ecare sursã (“BT-PHONE” "i “BT-AUDIO”) nu se poate conecta decât un singur dispozitiv odatã.
Înregistrarea unui dispozitiv Bluetooth
Metode de înregistrare (torsadare în perechi)
Pentru înregistrarea "i stabilirea conexiunii cu un
dispozitiv, utiliza#i una dintre urm%toarele op#iuni
din meniul Bluetooth.
Pentru activarea meniului Bluetooth, selecta#i, ca
surs% de redare, “BT-PHONE” sau “BT-AUDIO”.
Preg%te"te aparatul pentru
stabilirea unei noi conexiuni
Conexiunea se stabile"te
la punerea în func#iune a
dispozitivului Bluetooth.
Preg%te"te aparatul pentru
stabilirea unei noi conexiuni
Conexiunea se stabile"te la
punerea în func#iune a aparatului.
Înregistrare folosind op#iunea “OPEN”
Pune#i dispozitivul în func#iune pentru a activa
func#ia Bluetooth.
1 Selecta"i “BT-PHONE” sau “BT-AUDIO”.
2 Selecta"i “NEW” (dispozitiv nou).
Registration (Pairing) methods
Use either of the following items in the Bluetooth menu
to register and establish the connection with a device.
• Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO” as the source to
operate the Bluetooth menu.
OPEN Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating the
Bluetooth device.
SEARCH Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating
the unit.
Registering using “OPEN”
Operate the device to turn on its Bluetooth function.
1 Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO.”
Using the Bluetooth ® devices
For Bluetooth operations, it is required to connect the Bluetooth Adapter (KS-BTA200) to the CD changer jack on
the rear of this unit. See also page 40.
• Refer also to the instructions supplied with the Bluetooth adapter and the Bluetooth device.
• Refer to the list (included in the box) to see the countries where you may use the Bluetooth® function.
To use a Bluetooth device through the unit (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”) for the first time, you need to establish
Bluetooth wireless connection between the unit and the device.
• Once the connection is established, it is registered in the unit even if you reset your unit. Up to five devices can be
registered in total.
• Only one device can be connected at a time for each source (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”).
Registering a Bluetooth device
2 Select “NEW.”
3 Select “OPEN.”
4 Enter a PIN (Personal Identification
Number) code to the unit.
• You can enter any number you like (1-digit to
16-digit number). [Initial: 0000]
* Some devices have their own PIN code. Enter the
specified PIN code to the unit.
1 Move to the next (or previous) number
2 Select a number or blank space.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you finish
entering a PIN code.
4 Confirm the entry.
“OPEN...” flashes on the display.
Continued on the next page
3 Selecta"i “OPEN.”
Registration (Pairing) methods
Use either of the following items in the Bluetooth menu
to register and establish the connection with a device.
• Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO” as the source to
operate the Bluetooth menu.
OPEN Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating the
Bluetooth device.
SEARCH Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating
the unit.
Registering using “OPEN”
Operate the device to turn on its Bluetooth function.
1 Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO.”
Using the Bluetooth ® devices
For Bluetooth operations, it is required to connect the Bluetooth Adapter (KS-BTA200) to the CD changer jack on
the rear of this unit. See also page 40.
• Refer also to the instructions supplied with the Bluetooth adapter and the Bluetooth device.
• Refer to the list (included in the box) to see the countries where you may use the Bluetooth® function.
To use a Bluetooth device through the unit (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”) for the first time, you need to establish
Bluetooth wireless connection between the unit and the device.
• Once the connection is established, it is registered in the unit even if you reset your unit. Up to five devices can be
registered in total.
• Only one device can be connected at a time for each source (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”).
Registering a Bluetooth device
2 Select “NEW.”
3 Select “OPEN.”
4 Enter a PIN (Personal Identification
Number) code to the unit.
• You can enter any number you like (1-digit to
16-digit number). [Initial: 0000]
* Some devices have their own PIN code. Enter the
specified PIN code to the unit.
1 Move to the next (or previous) number
2 Select a number or blank space.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you finish
entering a PIN code.
4 Confirm the entry.
“OPEN...” flashes on the display.
Continued on the next page
4 Introduce"i un cod PIN (Num$r de
identi% care personal)* în aparat.
• Pute#i introduce orice num%r dori#i (num%r cu
1-16 cifre). [Setare ini#ial%: 0000]
* Unele dispozitive au propriul cod PIN.
Introduce$i în aparat codul PIN speci" cat.
Trece"i la num$rul urm$tor (sau anterior).
Registration (Pairing) methods
Use either of the following items in the Bluetooth menu
to register and establish the connection with a device.
• Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO” as the source to
operate the Bluetooth menu.
OPEN Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating the
Bluetooth device.
SEARCH Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating
the unit.
Registering using “OPEN”
Operate the device to turn on its Bluetooth function.
1 Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO.”
Using the Bluetooth ® devices
For Bluetooth operations, it is required to connect the Bluetooth Adapter (KS-BTA200) to the CD changer jack on
the rear of this unit. See also page 40.
• Refer also to the instructions supplied with the Bluetooth adapter and the Bluetooth device.
• Refer to the list (included in the box) to see the countries where you may use the Bluetooth® function.
To use a Bluetooth device through the unit (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”) for the first time, you need to establish
Bluetooth wireless connection between the unit and the device.
• Once the connection is established, it is registered in the unit even if you reset your unit. Up to five devices can be
registered in total.
• Only one device can be connected at a time for each source (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”).
Registering a Bluetooth device
2 Select “NEW.”
3 Select “OPEN.”
4 Enter a PIN (Personal Identification
Number) code to the unit.
• You can enter any number you like (1-digit to
16-digit number). [Initial: 0000]
* Some devices have their own PIN code. Enter the
specified PIN code to the unit.
1 Move to the next (or previous) number
2 Select a number or blank space.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you finish
entering a PIN code.
4 Confirm the entry.
“OPEN...” flashes on the display.
Continued on the next page
Selecta"i un num$r sau un spa"iu liber.
Registration (Pairing) methods
Use either of the following items in the Bluetooth menu
to register and establish the connection with a device.
• Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO” as the source to
operate the Bluetooth menu.
OPEN Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating the
Bluetooth device.
SEARCH Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating
the unit.
Registering using “OPEN”
Operate the device to turn on its Bluetooth function.
1 Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO.”
Using the Bluetooth ® devices
For Bluetooth operations, it is required to connect the Bluetooth Adapter (KS-BTA200) to the CD changer jack on
the rear of this unit. See also page 40.
• Refer also to the instructions supplied with the Bluetooth adapter and the Bluetooth device.
• Refer to the list (included in the box) to see the countries where you may use the Bluetooth® function.
To use a Bluetooth device through the unit (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”) for the first time, you need to establish
Bluetooth wireless connection between the unit and the device.
• Once the connection is established, it is registered in the unit even if you reset your unit. Up to five devices can be
registered in total.
• Only one device can be connected at a time for each source (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”).
Registering a Bluetooth device
2 Select “NEW.”
3 Select “OPEN.”
4 Enter a PIN (Personal Identification
Number) code to the unit.
• You can enter any number you like (1-digit to
16-digit number). [Initial: 0000]
* Some devices have their own PIN code. Enter the
specified PIN code to the unit.
1 Move to the next (or previous) number
2 Select a number or blank space.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you finish
entering a PIN code.
4 Confirm the entry.
“OPEN...” flashes on the display.
Continued on the next page
Repeta"i pa#ii
pân$ la încheierea
procedurii de introducere a codului PIN.
Con% rma"i introducerea codului PIN.
Registration (Pairing) methods
Use either of the following items in the Bluetooth menu
to register and establish the connection with a device.
• Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO” as the source to
operate the Bluetooth menu.
OPEN Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating the
Bluetooth device.
SEARCH Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating
the unit.
Registering using “OPEN”
Operate the device to turn on its Bluetooth function.
1 Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO.”
Using the Bluetooth ® devices
For Bluetooth operations, it is required to connect the Bluetooth Adapter (KS-BTA200) to the CD changer jack on
the rear of this unit. See also page 40.
• Refer also to the instructions supplied with the Bluetooth adapter and the Bluetooth device.
• Refer to the list (included in the box) to see the countries where you may use the Bluetooth® function.
To use a Bluetooth device through the unit (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”) for the first time, you need to establish
Bluetooth wireless connection between the unit and the device.
• Once the connection is established, it is registered in the unit even if you reset your unit. Up to five devices can be
registered in total.
• Only one device can be connected at a time for each source (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”).
Registering a Bluetooth device
2 Select “NEW.”
3 Select “OPEN.”
4 Enter a PIN (Personal Identification
Number) code to the unit.
• You can enter any number you like (1-digit to
16-digit number). [Initial: 0000]
* Some devices have their own PIN code. Enter the
specified PIN code to the unit.
1 Move to the next (or previous) number
2 Select a number or blank space.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you finish
entering a PIN code.
4 Confirm the entry.
“OPEN...” flashes on the display.
Continued on the next page
Pe display, este a! "at intermitent mesajul
Continuare pe pagina urm!toare
Registration (Pairing) methods
Use either of the following items in the Bluetooth menu
to register and establish the connection with a device.
• Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO” as the source to
operate the Bluetooth menu.
OPEN Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating the
Bluetooth device.
SEARCH Make the unit ready to establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Connection is established by operating
the unit.
Registering using “OPEN”
Operate the device to turn on its Bluetooth function.
1 Select “BT-PHONE” or “BT-AUDIO.”
Using the Bluetooth ® devices
For Bluetooth operations, it is required to connect the Bluetooth Adapter (KS-BTA200) to the CD changer jack on
the rear of this unit. See also page 40.
• Refer also to the instructions supplied with the Bluetooth adapter and the Bluetooth device.
• Refer to the list (included in the box) to see the countries where you may use the Bluetooth® function.
To use a Bluetooth device through the unit (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”) for the first time, you need to establish
Bluetooth wireless connection between the unit and the device.
• Once the connection is established, it is registered in the unit even if you reset your unit. Up to five devices can be
registered in total.
• Only one device can be connected at a time for each source (“BT-PHONE” and “BT-AUDIO”).
Registering a Bluetooth device
2 Select “NEW.”
3 Select “OPEN.”
4 Enter a PIN (Personal Identification
Number) code to the unit.
• You can enter any number you like (1-digit to
16-digit number). [Initial: 0000]
* Some devices have their own PIN code. Enter the
specified PIN code to the unit.
1 Move to the next (or previous) number
2 Select a number or blank space.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you finish
entering a PIN code.
4 Confirm the entry.
“OPEN...” flashes on the display.
Continued on the next page