End of recording
Title & Chapter Menu Settings
BD-X200 Title & Chapter Menus
This DVD recorder can automatically create title and chapter menus in response to recording operations and can save these to the
disc being recorded.
When the disc is subsequently played, these title and chapter menus can be used to access specific sections of stored video and
● When recording is stopped using the STOP button or a similar action (i.e., disc closing), a title number and a thumbnail
(corresponding to the frame at the start of recording) will be created to form part of the disc’s title menu. A single disc can contain
up to 99 different titles.
● Similarly, if a chapter mark is inserted during recording, a chapter number and a thumbnail (corresponding to the frame at the
chapter mark) will be created to form part of the title’s chapter menu. Chapter marks are used as targets for skipping during
playback. Each title can contain up to 99 chapters.
ⅥDisplay Styles
A total of eight different display styles can be used with title and chapter menus. The PRESET STYLE MENU screen can be used
to select the type of style to be used in the creation of title and chapter menus.
In addition, each of the display styles can be modified as required. (☞ Page 47)
Depending on the style used and the number of menu items, title and chapter menus may extend over more than one page.
Title menu
Chapter menus
Start of recording
Title 1
End of recordingStart of recording
Title 2
Chapter mark Chapter mark Chapter mark
Thumbnail Thumbnail
Thumbnail Thumbnail Thumbnail Thumbnail Thumbnail
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Recording Recording
● This DVD recorder can store a total of six different display patterns for title and chapter menus.
At the time of purchase, your BD-X200 will contain five different template files. Any of the stored display patterns can be
selected to change the styles applied to each of the title and chapter menus.
● In addition, original title and chapter menus can also be created using Easy menu a freeware application for editing menu
templates. (☞ Page 48)
ⅥModifying Chapter Menus
A chapter menu’s display style and thumbnails can be edited at the end of recording (i.e., during title closing); furthermore, titles
and comments for the chapter menu can also be input at this time. (EDIT MENU from the SYSTEM MENU screen must be set to
ENABLE for this to be possible.)
(☞ Page 49)
ⅥModifying the Title Menu
The style used for the title menu and the text input for the title name may both be modified before finalizing is carried out. (EDIT
MENU from the SYSTEM MENU screen must be set to ENABLE for this to be possible.)
(☞ Page 54)
● Thumbnail of the title menu will be the top thumbnail of the chapter menu.
● Once a title is closed, it will no longer be possible to modify the chapter menu.
● No modifications whatsoever will be possible when the disc has been finalized.
● When a disc is finalized, its title menu will be used to create the top menu.
● Thumbnail creation method during wide-signal recording can be selected in THUMBNAIL FORM of the RECORDER MENU
(2/2) screen.