
junxion box user guide 29
settings and verify that you can contact a Junxion Box remotely, the settings may not
need to be changed again. To learn more about Field Commander, or to create your
own secure Field Commander account, visit www.junxion.com/fieldcommander.
Server URL, Status Interval, Login, and Password. These are determined by
the Junxion Box administrator for an organization. The Server URL must include
the domain name and directory of the central remote management server for an
organization’s Junxion Boxes. The Status Interval specifies how often the Junxion Box
reports its status to the remote management server.
Identity. The Identity uniquely labels a reporting Junxion Box to the remote
management server. By default, the Identity value is automatically generated using
the MAC addresses of the two Ethernet ports on the Junxion Box. You can enter a more
descriptive name, but make sure it doesn’t duplicate the Identity of another Junxion
Box in the same remote management account.
Dynamic DNS Configuration. The Junxion Box includes a Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
client that publishes the WAN IP address of the Junxion Box to a third-party service.
The DDNS services supported by the Junxion Box include ChangeIP (www.changeip.
com), DynDNS (www.dyndns.com), EuroDynDNS (www.eurodyndns.org), No-IP (www.
no-ip.com), ODS (www.ods.org), OVH (www.ovh.com), Regfish (www.regfish.com),
and TZO (www.tzo.com). Once you register with a DDNS provider, you can enter
your account information here. Required account information includes the login
and password from the DDNS provider as well as full domain name of the host, for
example mydomain.provider.org. It is usually a good idea to set the Update Interval
high enough so you don’t upset your DDNS service provider with frequent unecessary
updates. Check your DDNS service providers policy to avoid abuse.
Onboard VPN Configuration. A Junxion Box can act as a Virtual Private Network
(VPN) client, providing enterprise VPN access to any device connected to the Junxion
Box even when a device has no VPN client capability on its own.
The Junxion VPN employs the IKE (Internet Key Exchange) protocol to set up a Security
Association (SA) between the Junxion Box and a Cisco (or Cisco compatible) enterprise
VPN server. IPSec consists of two phases to setup an SA between peer VPNs. Phase 1
creates a secure channel between the Junxion VPN and the enterprise VPN, thereby
enabling IKE exchanges. Phase 2 sets up the IPSec SA that is used to securely transmit