XA2125, XA275, XA250
Test Power Wiring
1. Turn on the receiver but do not turn up
the volume. The amplifier power light
should come on. If not, check the
REM and +12V wires.
2. Turn up the receiver volume slightly. All
speakers should operate. If not, check
wiring connections at amplifier and
Test Speaker Connections
These tests make sure the speakers are
connected right. If speakers don’t play at all,
one (or both) speaker wires may be
disconnected. If the wrong speaker plays (you
hear left speaker when you expect right
speaker) make sure you connected the wires
Reconnect Battery
When wiring is complete,
reconnect the battery
negative terminal.
Before you finish the installation, you should do the following tests to make sure the wiring is correct
and everything is operating properly.
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