Baking Cha_"_
j Radiant {
i Convect , Bake Radiant
Pan _ Rack" Temp.(°F) Convect Temp.(°F) Bake
Productand Type Size i Position Preheated*** : Time** Preheated' Time**
i i
Yellow - 2 layers 9" 12,30, or 3 325° 23-28 350 ° 28-33
White - 2 layers 9" 2 3o or 3 325° 22-30 350 ° 25-30
Chocolate - 2 layers 9" 2, 3o, or 3 325° 25-30 350 ° 30-35
, Bundt tube i 2 ; 325° 38-45 350 ° 38-50
JAngel Food tube [1,2o, or 2 350 ° 30-35 375° 30-40
Pound Cake 9" loaf 2 300° 50-65 325 ° 55-70
Cupcakes 3o 325 ° 15-20 350° 15-25
Sheet Cake 9"x13" 3 325° 26-31 350 ° 32-35
Two Crust
Fruit, fresh 9" 30 3750-400 ° 45-60 400°-425°i 45-60
Fruit, frozen 9" 2 3750-400 ° 40-65 400°-425°; 40-65
One Crust
Custard, fresh 9" 1 325° 350° 40-50
Cream/Meringue 9" 3o 375° 8-12 400° 8-12
Pie Shell 9" 2 400°-425 ° 8-12 425°-450 ` 8-12
Chocolate Chip 3o, or 3 3250-350 ° 8-12 3500-375° I 8-12
Peanut Butter 3o, or 3 325°-350 ° 8-12 350°-375°I 8-12
Sugar 3o, or 3 8-12 350°-375 ° 8-12
Brownies 9x9" 30 325° 30-35 350 ° 33-38
Loaf loaf I, or 2o 350 ° 20-25 375° , 20-30
Rolls 3o 375° 10-15 3750-400 ° 10-20
Loaf, Nut, Fruit loaf 1,20, or 21 325°-350 ° 40-60 350o-375 ° 50-70
I Gingerbread 9x9" 3o 325° 25-30 350° , 25-35
! Cornbread 8x8" 3o 375°-400 ° 15-30 4000-450 ° 15-30
'i Cornbread Muffins 3o 375° 10-15 400 ° , 10-20
I Biscuits 2, or 30 375%400 ° 8-12 400°-425 ° 8-12
! Muffins 3o 375 ° 10-15 400 ° 15-20
* An "o"after arack number impliesthat the offset rackshouldbe used.
** Thetimesgiven arebasedonspecificbrandsofmixesorrecipestested. Actualtimes willdepend
on the ones you bake.
*** The CONVECT temperature is 25°Flowerthan recommendedon package mixor recipe.