Cooking Procedures
For best results, always use recommendedcookware. Different cookpots and different
amounts offood beingprepared wJlJinfluencethe control settingsneeded forbestresults.
For fastest cooking, start with the surface control on Hi for one minute; then turn the
control to the lowerdesired setting. Covering pans, whenever possible,speeds cooking
and ismore energy efficient.
Do not allow pansto boil dry as this could damage both the cooktop and the pan.
Selecting Proper Cookware
• Select cookware with flat bottoms. Flat bottom pans are the fastest and best
conductors ofheat and provide the mostconsistent and satisfactory results. The
entire bottom of the pan should touch the heating element evenly. Avoid using
pans with convex, concave or irregular bottoms. A pan which is notflat receives
the mostheat at the point of contact, which causes "hot spots" and uneven heat
distribution. Hotspots canresult inscorching orburning of thefood. Uneven heat
distribution slows the cooking process and wastes energy.
• To determine if pan is flat, laya straight edge ruler against the bottom.
• Do not usea panwith aturned downflange around thebottom or a ripple bottom.
• Do not use wire trivets or any kind of heat retarding pad between the pan and
element. Reduce the control setting instead.
• Special cooking equipmentwithout flat bottoms, such asthe Oriental wok, should
not be usedon the cooktop. Only usetheJenn-Air wokaccessory, Model A 141A,
on the cooktop. It has a special heatingelement designed to eliminate problems
associated with using traditional round bottom woks on the conventional coil
element, such as shortening the life of the heating element.
• Do notuse a pansthat extend morethan 1inch on eitherside ofthe element. Use
the correct size pan for the size of the heating element. (See exceptions for
canners and stockpots below.)
• Large stockpots and canners should be used with Jenn-Air's "Big-pot" canning
element only (ModelA145A). The use of large pans on the large element on Hi
for extended periods oftime can cause damage to thecooktop, shorten the lifeof
the element, as well as trap excess heat inside the cooktop.
NOTE: CCE407 OWNERS: Sustained trapped heat can cause the large ele-
mentsto cycle off. Elementswillcycle backon after
the cooktop has cooled down.
CVE407 OWNERS: Sustained trapped heat can cause the downdraft
fan to cycle on. Downdraftfan willcycle off afterthe
cooktop hascooled down.