• Donotallowplasticobjects,sugar,orfoodswith highsugarcontenttomeltonto
the hot cooktop. Melted materiaJscan cause permanent damage to the
boilsover, remove itimmediatelywhilethe cooktopisstill hot. Carefully,use
a singleedge razorbladeheldwith a pot holderto scrapethe meltedmaterial
or sugaryboiloverto acoolerarea ofthecooktop. Useseveral layersof paper
towelsto wipe up the spillover, beingcareful not to burnyourself. Whenthe
element hascooled, usethe razor blade toscrape off the remainingsoil and
clean asyou wouldfor heavy spills.
• Do not use aluminum foil or foil-type containers under any circumstances.
Aluminumfoilwilldamagethe cooktopifit meltsonto theglass. If metalmelts
on cooktop,do notuse. Call an authorizedJenn-Air ServiceContractor.
• Do not usethe glass-ceramiccooktop as a cuttingboard.
• Do NOT use abrasive cleansingpowders or scouring pads (includingmetal
scouring pads),which willscratch thecooktop.
• DoNOTuse chlorinebleach,ammonia,rustremovers,ovencleaners,orother
cleansernotspecificallyrecommendedfor use on glass-ceramic.
• Neverimmerseyour cooktopcartridgein water.
• Test cast ironware since allare notflat. Also be cautionedagainst possible
"impactdamage"shouldthe heavycookpotbe droppedon the glass-ceramic
UseJenn-Air'sflatbottomwokaccessory \ /
AO142wok has a nonstickfinish, wood
handles, cover, steaming rack, rice
paddles,cookingtips,and recipes.