Component System Parts
Your new Component System
consists of the GTC04 neodymium
magnet tweeter and either a 4",
5-1/4", or 6-1/2" midwoofer. Both
the GTC04 and the midwoofer
have high-quality passive
crossover parts already built into
them. Figure 2 is an illustration
of the proper wiring procedure of
the Component System.
Important Paperwork
Before proceeding, be sure to put
the sales receipt from your JBL
Component System purchase in a
safe place. It is necessary to vali-
date your Limited Warranty.
Having access to the receipt is
also valuable for insurance pur-
poses and when it comes time to
resell your vehicle.
Tweeter Installation
The GTC04 has been supplied
with both Angle and Flush
mounting brackets. Figures 1 and
2 show the proper way to flush-
and angle-mount the GTC04. The
mounting hole diameter for the
flush-mount frame is 1-3/4".
Line up tab with slot on bracket
Push tweeter into bracket and turn clockwise
Figure 1
GT4.0c, 5.0c, 6.0c OM 7/16/98 9:54 AM Page 3