Body Mass Program:
Body Mass Index (BMI) - Is a scientific measure that uses a ratio of height and weight. It is a
general measure of health risk, but does not take into account lean body mass. As a result, a
healthy muscular individual with very low body fat can be classified as over weight. The following
are general ranges of BMI measurements:
Below 20
Between 21 and 24
Between 25 and 29
Over 30
User Setup Programs - Provide the ability to establish customized workout programs specific to
a users workout requirements. For each user set up program, the workout time is set and then 10
unique workout segments are set up by the user. For each segment the user can preset the speed
and incline of the segment by using the up and down arrow buttons and then pushing the mode
button to set each program.
Once a program is set up the user simply scrolls to the User1 program and pushes the start button.
To modify the program after it is established, select the program and then push the mode button.
Lean - if you are not an athlete you should consider gaining weight
through good diet and exercise.
Ideal - indicates a healthy amount of body fat and the lowest inci-
dence of serious illness.
Slightly Overweight - increased risk for a variety of illnesses. You
should find ways to reduce your weight through diet and exercise.
Overweight - indicates an unhealthy condition with a higher risk of
heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gall bladder disease and
some cancers. You should focus on losing weight by changing your
diet and increasing levels of exercise.