U s es only 1.16 gallons ( 4.39 lit ers)
of wat e r per c y c l e
C l eans 40 ra cks per hou r
1,000 g l a sses per hou r
90- s e cond o per a ting c y cl e
Po we r f u l 3/4 HP w ash pump mot or
B uil t- i n chemical pumps
A i r- g a p wa t er i nle t
11-1/2” ( 292 mm) w ash c hamber
clear ance
G r avit y d ra i n
Bui l t-in w a st e a ccumul a to r
Sus taini ng h ea t ing element main -
tai ns nal r i nse bet w een 120˚F
(49˚C ) and 140˚F (60˚C )
R emo vable end plu gs o n l ow er wash
a r m a n d remo v able upper jets
D u rabl e 304 stai nless s teel c o n -
str u c tion
Standard Features
Delta 5
Delta 5
CSI Section 11400
Optional Features
50 Hz cycle
Accessory Items
Push-button start
Automatic ll, cycle and drain
Solid-state timer
Easily accessible controls
3-way dispensing system for
detergent, rinse additive and
Stainless steel wash pump
Lower rotary wash arm and xed
upper jets
Functions as both a glasswasher
and a dishwasher, accommodat-
ing wares up to 11-1/2”
(292 mm) high
Door-safety switch
Adjustable bullet feet
Swing-out control box for easy
service and access
Side control panel for easy access
to switches
Dial temperature gauge
for con-
stant mon
itoring of temperature
Latch-type front (lower) panel
36 Compartment Racks 4-1/8”,
5-5/8”, or 7” (105 mm, 143 mm,
178 mm)
Combination Rack
Peg Rack
Flat Rack
Half Rack
Water Hammer Arrestor
07610-003-61-07 (10/08)
Side skirt panels•
Energy Star® qualied•
P. O. Box 1060
Barbourville, KY 40906
Tel: 606-523-9795
Tel: 1-888-800-5672
Fax: 606-523-1799
E-mail: customerservice@jacksonmsc.com
Gray, KY 40734
6209 North U.S. Highway 25E
Delime/manual wash switch•