
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide 43
PDF417 is only supported on the SF51 with PDF version.
Enables or disables decoding of PDF417 symbology. The
PDF417 symbology is a stacked 2D symbology that allows you
to scan across rows of code. Each row consists of start/stop
characters, row identifiers, and symbol characters, which consist
of four bars and four spaces each and contain the actual data.
This symbology uses error correction symbol characters
appended at the end to recover loss of data.
Macro PDF417, a feature of PDF417, extends the capability of
PDF417 by allowing up to 99,999 PDF417 symbols to be used
to store data. The symbols are concatenated as they are scanned
and can be scanned in any order.
Enables or disables decoding of Plessey symbology. Plessey code
is pulse-width modulated like most other bar codes. It includes a
start character, data characters, an eight-bit cyclic check digit, a
termination bar, and usually a reverse start character. The code is
continuous and not self-checking. You need to configure two
parameters for Plessey code: Start Code and Check Digit.
Sets the postamble that is appended to any data you scan.
Common postambles include cursor controls such as a tab
or a carriage return line feed. You can set Postamble to up to 20
ASCII characters.
Sets the preamble that precedes any data you scan. Common
preambles include a data location number or an operator
number. You can set Preamble to up to 20 ASCII characters.