Before You Begin
751G Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual xi
Before You Begin
This section provides you with safety information, technical support
information, and sources for additional product information.
Safety Information
Your safety is extremely important. Read and follow all warnings and
cautions in this document before handling and operating Intermec
equipment. You can be seriously injured, and equipment and data can be
damaged if you do not follow the safety warnings and cautions.
This section explains how to identify and understand dangers, warnings,
cautions, and notes that are in this document.
Global Services and Support
Warranty Information
To understand the warranty for your Intermec product, visit the Intermec
web site at www.intermec.com and click Service & Support. The Intermec
Global Sales & Service page appears. From the Service & Support menu,
move your pointer over Support, and then click Warranty.
Disclaimer of warranties: The sample code included in this document is
presented for reference only. The code does not necessarily represent
complete, tested programs. The code is provided “as is with all faults.” All
warranties are expressly disclaimed, including the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Web Support
Visit the Intermec web site at www.intermec.com to download our current
manuals in PDF format. To order printed versions of the Intermec
manuals, contact your local Intermec representative or distributor.
Visit the Intermec technical knowledge base (Knowledge Central) at
intermec.custhelp.com to review technical information or to request
technical support for your Intermec product.
A warning alerts you of an operating procedure, practice, condition, or
statement that must be strictly observed to avoid death or serious injury
to the persons working on the equipment.
A caution alerts you to an operating procedure, practice, condition, or
statement that must be strictly observed to prevent equipment damage
or destruction, or corruption or loss of data.
Note: Notes either provide extra information about a topic or contain
special instructions for handling a particular condition or set of